Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Train for your goal with deadlifts!

Why we should do more deadlift work to bring up our posterior chain as opposed to leg curls. Every day we become more quad dominant, sitting on our ass too much, running on treadmills etc…Now you may be doing leg curls for your hamstrings but that will not help you to lift an object from the floor or be enough volume to balance out your quad dominance. Personally I think leg curls are a waste of time & should be left to body builders, who are to scared to perform deadlifts. They also put a lot more sheer load through the knee. A better alternative is the Glutham raise or any other deadlift variation, this way you work from the knee and the hip, more bang for you buck!
If you see someone performing deads, checkout their trap, glut and hamstring development. One they will look strong, and unlike most bodybuilders they will be real world strong! ( able to move stuff!)

Now there is no reason why you can’t have real wordstrength (see Marious) and still be big and shredded. There is a myth that you cant be strong, move well and look good. Now a lot of body builders are like ornamental swords. They look good on the mantle piece but fall apart in battle. Watch the world strongest man, abloute beasts who run while carrying mind blowing loads!
So if your training like a body builder but you have a different goal i.e. fat loss, performance enhancement, rehab etc… You should ask yourself why?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lose the sugar cravings

Every now & then I used to go weak and feel super hungry even though I would have eaten a couple of hours before. Since I used the Reset plan and use the maintenance plan , those hunger pangs have gone. My weight is also consistent and that helps me to be confident I will make my weight in competition.

" I lost 3.5kg's and no longer have cravings for sugar. I am really happy with the results & would recommend the Reset plan to others."

Eat well & train hard

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where the mind leads

I have had a big week this week, I hit a new pb in the deadlift 506 pounds (230kg) and a 210kg squat. 3 weeks tomorrow is the National Powerlifting Championships, so am progressing nicely.
Now the mind is incredibly powerful, Through good nutrition, hard training and visualising I have smashed my old limited goals.
If you are looking to make progress in your training or any other aspect in life, it starts in the mind. A great book on this topic is Dr Dennis Waitley's "The Psychology of winning' I highly recommend it.
Like minded people who share common goals of self improvement will also help you to channel your energy in the right direction and unleash your true potential. Look to those who have accomplished what you seek & learn from them. Being open to learn opens many doors so focus on what you want and let me know when you get there.

Eat well & Train hard!