Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mannum open

Yesterday was the Mannum open Powerlifting meet. There were 10 competitors and the competition level had greatly improved. I had jumped up to the 82.5KG class weighing in at a colossal 76 and a bit!
This was the heaviest I have lifted at in competition and qualifies me for the nationals in that class.
Many of us hit PB's I hit a 220KG squat, a 225KG Deadlift that gave me a P total of 587.5KG
This was enough to win my weight class & best overall lifter on the Wilks formula (pound for pound).
Results can be found at

That was the last meet for this year, so I will do some other strength training and do a bit more strongman training.
If you are interested in competing in either contact me

Monday, September 28, 2009

The USA and a strongman comp!

Hi There,

It has been a while since I posted something. A lot has happened, I had the pleasure of visiting the USA. It was a fantastic trip, the people I met were extremely generous and very open and easy going. It was a very enlightening trip in many regards.

I had my eyes open to some different training perspectives, and not just the physical side of it. I had the opportunity to meet some incredibly successful people, who had the time and the heart to share some of their pearls of wisdom with me.

It was a very intense trip, in terms of learning and the limited time spent there.
I would highly recommend going for a look!

Since then I have been preparing for a new project that is coming up, an exclusive training club, if you are interested let me know, then we can arrange an interview to see if you match the profile we are looking for.

On Saturday I competed in the Murray bridge Viking strong man challenge. It was a great experience, I met some great people, and learned a few new tricks. I was the lightweight in the comp, and all competitors had a solid strength background. We had strongmen, Olympic lifters, powerlifters and a shotputter. We competed in 5 events, an overhead medley ( pressing rocks, kegs, car axles and a log over head in the quickest time possible), a carry medley( carrying a rock, keg and an atlas stone over a 20M coarse as fast as possible), a farmers walk ( 85kg, then 105kg and then 125kg in each hand up the 20 m coarse), log press for max weight and finished with the atlas stones ( big concrete balls weighing from 100kg to 150kg).
Both competitors and spectators did well to brave the temperamental weather and make it a fantastic day.
I had a brilliant time competing and am looking forward to doing it again. The competition was dominated by a 17 year old power house Casey Snodgrass, followed closely by his Dad Pete.
If you are interested in learning more or competing contact me.

Eat well and train hard!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Results from nationals

Fridays technical meeting was interesting, we learned the ins and outs of drug testing. There is a massive amount of time and effort involved. Super tough glass canisters and specifically assigned codes, it was quite mind boggling. Some funny stories of competitors dashing out of events, leaving partners and children behind!
We also set our bar and safety bar heights. ( this stops the bar landing on your throat and face on the bench press). A handful of people die performing this exercise every year!
I weighed in at exactly 75kg, was almost scared to eat. Decide to eat plenty and go easy on the water, plenty of lifters were heading to the sauna before the weigh in. In stark contrast plenty were scoffing to make weight, or because they were some where in the middle.
Saturday came along, I weighed in at 73.5 KG's all good!
Checked out some of the female competitors, there were some strong chicks who were also easy on the eye ( doesn't lifting big weights make you bulky!), great poster girls for the sport.
Some were not poster girls but lifted some impressive weights.
I had left my Rev 3 energy drinks, next to my bed ( doh!) so I purchased some ammonia capsules.
I hit my opening squat 210kg's, then failed on depth at 220, it felt easy so I jumped to 227.5, I got up but only on one side, it felt like someone was pulling one side. It turns out (Robyn took a pic and it showed my knee wrap had slid up off my knee) so I only got assistance from one side, failed lift no 2.
This was not going to plan, especially because the weight felt good.
The bench was next, I had been struggling with the shirt in the lead up, and continued with the theme. I was initially opening at 145, but opted for 135 to be safe. Good plan, I nailed 135 jumped to 145 and missed both lifts (doh!)
It all came down to the deadlift, I opened up at 210, hit that 220, nailed that. Now at this point I was tied for 2nd place, but David weighed less than I and would win by default. I jumped to 227.5 but bombed the lift.
I came home with a bronze, great to place, and plan on winning it next year!
I met a great bunch of people over in Sydney and was blessed enough to have support from my girls, Terry and Andrew who coached and wrapped me (involves sticking hands up shorts pulling shirts down and more!).
Tom a fellow South ozzy representative and top bloke scored a bronze in the bench contest.
A great weekend was had by all, I am now looking for people to train up for the Mannum comp in October, let me know if you or somebody you know is keen.
Sunday we took Olivia the birthday girl to Tooronga zoo, it was a great day & a fantastic way to finish the weekend. We then attended the awards dinner and prepared to fly home.
There were some very strong competitors Odell Manuel a former rugby league player hit a 350.5kg deadlift and and a total of 916! Plenty of national records were broken.
I learned a lot from the weekend and will return all the better for it.

Eat well and train hard!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Big drop and PB

Had my last big training session before Saturday. Many thanks to Terry, after a long day of presenting some great content, he then wrapped my knees & will be assisting me in Sydney. Competition is strong, I can't wait to indulge. Around like minded individuals who love lifting and making progress.

Some big results to report

I hit a pb in the squat of 220kg's a 10 kg improvement

Ed has dropped 9kg's in just 19 days! A fantastic effort

"I would recommend the reset plan if you want to lose weight, it is easy to follow and works"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

1 week to go

Nationals are a week tomorrow, so my last big session is tomorrow. Still a touch of fine tuning to do, in regards to knee wraps and bench shirt. I shall address these tomorrow.
Then a light training week and then full bore on the Saturday.
We fly over early Friday, have a technical meeting on the evening and comp the next day. Sunday I will be taking my wife and daughter, who will be 1! to Tooronga zoo, to check out the new addition ( baby elephant). Should be a great weekend around like minded people. The dinner & presentation is on the Sunday night, then fly out early Monday morning.
Will post on progress

Eat well & train hard!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Core training

Enter core training on google and this is what you will get. Now core training is widely misunderstood, using an unstable surface is not necessary and can be detrimental to your training.

Especially if your suffering back pain!

What we really want to achieve with core training is stabilising the trunk in a neutral posture. To create a greater training effect we resist movement against a load (gravity etc...) whilst maintaining optimal alignment.

Just like a baby we start on the ground, work up to our knees and finally on to our feet.

We also need to be stable in all plains of movement (Sagittal, Transverse and Frontal). Stuart Mcgill ( the foremost knowledge on lower back performance) recommends the big 3 the curl up, side hover/bridge and the bird dog. I would definitely recommend these as a great starting point.

Balls like everything have a role to play in exercise, however this isn't core training or functional.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Train for your goal with deadlifts!

Why we should do more deadlift work to bring up our posterior chain as opposed to leg curls. Every day we become more quad dominant, sitting on our ass too much, running on treadmills etc…Now you may be doing leg curls for your hamstrings but that will not help you to lift an object from the floor or be enough volume to balance out your quad dominance. Personally I think leg curls are a waste of time & should be left to body builders, who are to scared to perform deadlifts. They also put a lot more sheer load through the knee. A better alternative is the Glutham raise or any other deadlift variation, this way you work from the knee and the hip, more bang for you buck!
If you see someone performing deads, checkout their trap, glut and hamstring development. One they will look strong, and unlike most bodybuilders they will be real world strong! ( able to move stuff!)

Now there is no reason why you can’t have real wordstrength (see Marious) and still be big and shredded. There is a myth that you cant be strong, move well and look good. Now a lot of body builders are like ornamental swords. They look good on the mantle piece but fall apart in battle. Watch the world strongest man, abloute beasts who run while carrying mind blowing loads!
So if your training like a body builder but you have a different goal i.e. fat loss, performance enhancement, rehab etc… You should ask yourself why?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lose the sugar cravings

Every now & then I used to go weak and feel super hungry even though I would have eaten a couple of hours before. Since I used the Reset plan and use the maintenance plan , those hunger pangs have gone. My weight is also consistent and that helps me to be confident I will make my weight in competition.

" I lost 3.5kg's and no longer have cravings for sugar. I am really happy with the results & would recommend the Reset plan to others."

Eat well & train hard

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where the mind leads

I have had a big week this week, I hit a new pb in the deadlift 506 pounds (230kg) and a 210kg squat. 3 weeks tomorrow is the National Powerlifting Championships, so am progressing nicely.
Now the mind is incredibly powerful, Through good nutrition, hard training and visualising I have smashed my old limited goals.
If you are looking to make progress in your training or any other aspect in life, it starts in the mind. A great book on this topic is Dr Dennis Waitley's "The Psychology of winning' I highly recommend it.
Like minded people who share common goals of self improvement will also help you to channel your energy in the right direction and unleash your true potential. Look to those who have accomplished what you seek & learn from them. Being open to learn opens many doors so focus on what you want and let me know when you get there.

Eat well & Train hard!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Great results

Some big results from last week,

Kathy Bennett lost 4.5kg's in 5 days! on the Reset jump start plan, Great work!

Also Candice took her total fat loss to a fantastic 25.5kg's

Let me know if you have some great results, or if you want some then contact me and we can begin.

Eat well and train hard! 

State Champ!

The state Powerlifting championships were on in mannum on the weekend, my preperation left a little to be desired with an overseas trip and preparing my new facility. The level of competition was up, with competetitors from as far as Melbourne. Now this is the most masculine way (if there is one) to wear a one piece!
Last year I totalled 500kg's and new that would not be nearly enough, I set a goal of 550 minimum and ideally 560. I started with a 180kg squat all good, failed on depth at 190 and nailed 200 on my third attempt a new personal best!. I was on track. Now my bench has gone down in the last 12 months, so I started at 130 all good 140 good a new best in competition, then failed at 145. Still on track, Deadlifts, I nailed 200 then 210 and went for an all time best 220 and got it, I strained every ounce of anything resembling muscle to grind it out, it was killer!
Now this was down to a few things, I had cranked up on the rev 3 energy drink (that gave me a coule of best in training) and positive thinking. I have been taking my Usana supplements and they make the difference, so now when I train properly I am gonna take my total to a new level!

Nationals are on in July so I have 6 weeks to become a beast!
I will post some footage soon

If you want the best nutritionals to enhance performance or improve health visit

Eat well & train hard!

Monday, May 25, 2009

All systems go!

My training facility is up and running. Have had groups and clients learning to move there body as one cohesive unit. No shiny machines ( fancy towel racks!), just good old fashioned, honest training. Using kettlebells, dumbell and various barbells and sandbags. Things are only going to improve, am currently fine tuning the prowler (sled contraption) and modifying my safety squat bar. All set for the state powerlifting championship, on Saturday, I will let you know how I go. Will post a couple of pics of the new training pad soon.
Some great progress from some clients Pauline Shute has dropped a massive 26.5 kg's, a fantastic effort and a shot of adrenaline for those who need to pick up there game!

I can't wait to crank out some serious strength training, if you want to step up to the plate, let me know.
How many people do you know who want to drop body fat, increase strength or reduce pain? Get them to contact me, and take the first steps in self improvement.

Eat well and train hard!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I just added 15kg to my PB!

Today I added 15kg to my deadlift. It was also the first time I used Usanas Rev 3 energy drink. I also hit a 10kg PB on squats! Check it out and add some numbers to the bar, or your performance on the field. I still feel charged, that is why I felt the urgency to let you know.

Eat well and train hard!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Group sessions

I will be running some group sessions starting this Monday the 18th, so let me know if you are interested. We will be learning to use our body as efficiently as we can, to maximise fat loss and strength gains. There will also be nutritional plans as an additional option.
I have recently updated my site so check it out! Let me know what you think.
State powerlifting titles are on at the end of the month, I need to make some significant progress to challenge for honours. I'll keep you posted.

Eat well and train hard!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good to be back

Landed back on Friday morning, good to be back. It is now Sunday and I am starting to fire on all cylinders. 3 weeks have flown by and big things are happening. My training facility is almost complete, just some fine tuning to get done. Now I am back my training is gonna go to a new level, less than 4 weeks to state titles and I'm not where I wanted to be. Time for some serious action. Will keep you posted on progress.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Home sweet home

We fly home tonight. The trip has been great, but time has gone too fast. Great to catch up with friends and family and mixed fortunes with the weather. Training has dropped off a bit. I managed 2 sessions last week, so on maintenance with a month until the state titles. Not the best preparation.
Meanwhile at home my training facility has been progressing, so I'll be able to train hard in the perfect environment. I will let you know when it's finished, I can't wait!
All for now packing to be done and the joy of goodbyes.

Eat well and train hard

Monday, April 20, 2009

All is good over here in England. We have now moved on down to Cornwall and had a belated celebration of mine and Robyns marriage and the birth of our daughter Olivia. It was a good day and great to catch up with friends and family. We went to Warwick castle before this, great surroundings but pouring with rain, am glad to have experienced the sun since heading down south. Trained today, quick session on the big 3, have struggled to get proper training in, but will make it happen this week. Will keep you posted on my trip.

Eat well and train hard!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Health clubs suck

Robyn and I went down to one of the local health and fitness clubs to crank out some squats. Before a freshly trained instructor could tell me that squatting below 90 degrees was dangerous, the receptionist informed us that we would need to be members to train there. The minimum membership was 3 months! It had taken 30 mins to get there, I was unimpressed to say the least. On the walk home we did some push ups on the hill home at every lamppost. Hopefully tomorrow I can find a place to train that has weights and lets me through the door.
The football was great a 3-3 thriller, the atmosphere was brilliant and we loved every minute of it.

Eat well and train hard!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Return of the prodigal son

Well, I've arrived in the Motherland, all is good and we're heading to see the mighty Villa play Everton today........
Olivia has turned out to be an excellent little traveller. She slept like, well, a baby and we arrived surprisingly freshfaced at Heathrow almost 24 hours after jetting out of Adelaide.
I've managed to go to one of the local gyms - which was only about the size of our living room and I had to take all the weights in the room to bust out some deadlifts, but at least its maintenance........
I'll keep you posted on the mighty Villa's victory and other events of our holiday up in the cooler climbs.......
Eat well, train hard!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

4.5 kg's in 5 days!

All set to jet, flying out on Tuesday. I have 2 seminars to attend on the weekend, should be good. One on health and wealth and one on posture. I will keep you posted on my travels and adventures. Have had some more happy users of the reset plan, here is what one had to say:

"Not only great products but also a unique educational experience, I enjoyed the process not being just about how but also why.
It was refreshing to have a system that created a greater awareness of the body's functions and nutrition not only during the Reset Plan but also with a purpose for long term health goals.
I recommend the USANA products to all users."
 Tyson Linke Lost 4.5 kg's in 5 days!

Eat well and train hard!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The journey of a 1000 miles

"The journey of a 1000 miles, starts with a single step" This quote sums up life and all adventures. Whether it's lifting or losing a desired weight, or on a journey to financial freedom.
So if you have not yet begun start, take that first step and build momentum to reach your destination.
I am taking steps currently to finish my training facility, there are still a few steps to go, but I can see it on the horizon.
I will be flying out to England in 12 days, so busy times ahead. Should be great, have scored tickets to see the Villa (real football!).
Whilst on holiday I still need to take steps in order to reach my strength goals for the state titles in May, when I return. We often have hurdles to overcome, it is our decision to take them in our stride, or fall in the face of adversity. Be accountable to yourself, be positive and set lofty goals. Follow these steps and greatness is just around the corner.

Falling is over rated!
Eat well and train hard!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lose 2.5-5kg in 5 days

Here is another successful and happy lady, who has used the reset plan. I know her quite well:

I'm happy to report that I lost 2.5 kgs after undertaking the 5 day reset plan. Like most wives, I don't always believe what my husband tells me, but with the Usana products Carl really does know his stuff and is definitely onto a good thing.Initially I had my reservations, I was worried about lacking in the energy I need to keep up with our 7 month old daughter and my work, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the shakes and bars were tasty and filling and that I maintained my normal energy levels. I think the combination multi-vitamins, minerals and antioxidant tablets were very beneficial and it was great to also be able to enjoy a serve of fresh fruit or vegetables when I needed to.I would happily recommend this product to anyone and I intend to follow up with the next stage of the nutritional program to keep up my healthy eating and maintain my fat loss!

If the sounds like the plan for you or someone you know visit Become a preferred customer to receive a discount on all products, contact me with any questions

Monday, March 16, 2009

Great work

Have had a busy week with more great results, Here is what one client said after losing 4.5kg in 5 days on the reset plan:

"I was surprised at the quality of the product and how economical it is. I'm stunned by the results and how easy it was. I didn't miss food or feel hungry and I love food"

Tania Venning

Great work Tania, I will post some more success stories soon. How many people do you know who would like results like this, Contact me for more details.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smart training

Most of us will experience physical pain at some point, some more severely than others. The majority of the time this can be avoided. We all take our bodies for granted, until something goes wrong. We need to spend more time on self improvement, to prevent injuries.
There is the 23 and 1 rule, we may spend 1 hour a day on self improvement (training etc...) though most don't, and 23 hours undoing all the work, or adding to it dependent on your plan. Now if we use some common sense in the 23 we can help ourselves. e.g If your sitting all day, your in poor posture for large periods of time, schedule stretch and movement breaks to reduce this.
In your 1 hour of training, spend time on correcting the imbalances of the body. It's hard to believe but this will enhance performance, whether on the field, in the office or at home.
What fuel do you put in your body? Just like your car, you need a quality fuel and a regular service.
It's easy to be nonchalant and to make excuses that your too busy, but when your loved ones are the ones watching you go through rehab or worse, it effects more people than just you. If you have children, lead by example and take action. If we can reduce our levels of pain, we are less likely to lash out at others, usually the ones who mean the most to us.
All soft tissue injuries are avoidable, it takes some time to get to that stage, but is achievable. Check out the AFL this year and if you have been watching what I call football, there have been to many to count already, keep an eye out for strains, pulls and surgeries, that are caused with out contact. Many of these are avoidable with a balanced approach to training. A lot of pain is a by product of too little or too much movement in the wrong place, these are things that can be addressed through smart training. Be smart!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are you taking them?

Here is a clip from today tonight. It shows how poor most household multi vitamins are, and what brand is the best

If you want to improve your health, contact me

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend action

I have spent the weekend training with kettlebells. It was a good weekend and met a good bunch of guys. The coarse was run by Don Stevenson, a good guy who is gearing up for a strongman competition. After 2 days of KB training you can expect a few sore spots, especially when finishing with a 10 minute snatch density session ( as many snatches as you can in a 10 minute period, rest as much as necessary) or tabata swings (20 secs on 10 off for 4 minutes). This may sound cruisy, trust me there not, especially after training all day!
It was a really good weekend and if your interested in kettlebell training, I'll be starting some groups soon, so contact me.

Also have had some great results with the reset plan

" It was challenging, but very rewarding. Enjoyed all the products, and was blown away to lose 4.9 kg's in 5 days. I would definitely recommend the Reset plan"

Ryan Price

If your interested contact me,

Eat well and train hard!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Things are happening

All systems are go, currently putting a small studio together. Things are starting to take shape. Off to England a month from tomorrow for 3 weeks, it will be great to catch up with friends and family.
My training partner has the Junior nationals early next month, so we have invested in some bench shirts. We still have a bit of fine tuning to do, but I think they will help hit some big numbers.
Away for a workshop on the weekend, will update on how it goes next week.

Candice a superstar client has lost 21.1kg as of this week, a great effort and proof that your reap what you sew. Hard work, smart training and a good nutritional plan get results.

It's a long weekend here, so have a good one all,

Eat well and train hard!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Skinny or lean?

Now this is what came up when I googled skinny. This is what happens when you lose weight.
It's a much better option to work on fat loss. That way you can still keep your curves and eat. To the left is one image of healthy,
when searched the skipper below is another.
The chick on the right came up when I searched lean female body. Everybody has there own perception, but personal preferance I'd run with lean, you can still be lean and healthy, so why not have the best of both worlds. The best way to get that lean physique is getting under the bar and eating well. Dieting alone may make you skinny, but that's not that desirable.

Friday, February 27, 2009


There are a couple of challenges with the new site. All should be back to normal soon. In the meantime you can use this link and contact me via email or phone

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mike Robertson

Attended a great seminar on lower back care. Mike Robertson was the speaker (there is a link to his soft tissue ebook i the archives), and it was a very thorough overview of back care and exercise prescription. This really cemented most of my beliefs in training principles and how to maximise performance.
Lots of emphasis on achieving a neutral spine and progressing to big bang for your buck exercises. He also went through the limitations with Pilates and a lot of other training that is meant to cure back pain. Often the back pain is just a symtom of a bigger underlying issue. We need to treat the cause and not just the site of pain.

Mike is a great guy and very easy to talk to. I was lucky enough to chat with him at lunch and pick his brain a bit. Also met a couple of other guys, who train or compete at a high level, these events are always great to generate more enthusiasm to educate others. The seminar was put on by Centrality, Paul Reid is in charge of things there and also puts on lots of top class seminars.
If you want to bring up an area in your life, find people who know how to achieve and learn from them. If you want to learn more about improving your performance let me know.

Eat well and train hard!

Monday, February 23, 2009

New site

I have a new website for anybody interested in health and wealth. Check out the site and contact me through the site. Here is the link

Comp news

On Saturday the 21st of Feb myself and Matt, my new recruit went up to Mannum to compete. Matt was in the 82.5 kg class and I was in the 75. I weighed in at 71.6 a little lighter than expected. I had a day to forget, I was nursing a couple of tender spots and I let that distract me and lost focus.
When your under the bar the niggles go away, it's the mind that needs to be on the job. I lost my balance and failed my first lift @ 170kg, Got it the next time but should have gone up, and on the last lift 185 I got a red light for depth. I was hoping to lift a lot more, and the weight shot up so there was plenty more under the bonnet. Back to the drawing board. Matt did well and squatted a 170 at his first meet,, then a 105 bench and a monstrous 220 deadlift and still had plenty in the tank. I hit a 125 bench and a 190 deadlift and retired early with a 485 total, to save myself for another day.
Matt has qualified for the junior nationals in April with a 495 total, and the state titles will be on at the end of May. There is a lot of work to be done between now and then. The standard was up at this comp in weight classes and overall. The experience was good, learning to embrace defeat and use it for motivation. Looking forward to getting under the bar and being ready for the next challenge. Hopefully will find some more enthusiastic recruits, and have a strong team!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

10% towards your goal

In 2 weeks the first power lifting meet of the year will be held in Mannum. I will be competing and bringing along another competitor. Competing in more comps this year was one of my goals and finding and training others to compete was another.
We are already 10% of the way through 2009. Have you made a 10% inroad to your goals?
If not it's time to take action, there is still 90% of the year to go, so start today!
I'm also in the process of building a facility to improve power lifting training(another goal), if you think you would like to give it a try contact me.
Last Sunday I was in Melbourne for a powerlifting coaching clinic. There were some strong dudes there, 17 years old and totalling over 600! These lifts will carry over to your sport etc... so if you want the competative edge or want to become a beast call me and let the games begin!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Australia day


Hope you all had a great Australia day, and enjoyed the long weekend. I'm sure most of you would like another day to get over the last 3. Now in early February, most likely the 5th, I'll be starting the hardcore outdoor program. This will be an 8 week group session, that will teach you the basics of lifting, and effective fat loss methods. You will be provided with 2 training sessions a week, a training and nutrition log book, a private session to master the basics and assess your movement and weekly newsletters with training and nutrition tips. Now there are only 8 spaces available, and you will recieve a saving of $75 if you sign up now!

Eat well and train hard!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Force couples

Do you split your body parts into days of the week or bench press every session?
Knowing your force couples will help to bring a bit more balance to your physique, enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. One classic example is tightness in hip flexors, caused from too much sitting on our bums, this often leads to a lack of glute function, this is why old people have no bums!
The tightness of the one group reduces the function of the other, so if we can buy some movement through some flexibility/mobility work, you will gain more function at the opposing group. Stretch hips and then execute an exercise for this group e,g dead lift and you begin to reduce the structural imbalance. The same principle can be applied to other bias body parts.
Also reducing the amount of quad dominant exercise e.g leg extensions and increasing hip dominant movements e.g glute ham raise, pullthroughs etc... will help to improve the imbalance.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Old school training

Back in the day training was hardcore. Big lifts with big weights. Now i'm looking to bring back some old school lifting, in some small group sessions. We will be using sandbags, kettlebells, tires and kegs etc...
This is fully functional, if you can move these objects, then you can move anything. Training on the pec-dec or leg curls won't help you carry the shopping or the kids. This training will!

If your up for a new challenge or are tired of boring machines, drop me a line and let the games begin!