Thursday, July 2, 2009

Core training

Enter core training on google and this is what you will get. Now core training is widely misunderstood, using an unstable surface is not necessary and can be detrimental to your training.

Especially if your suffering back pain!

What we really want to achieve with core training is stabilising the trunk in a neutral posture. To create a greater training effect we resist movement against a load (gravity etc...) whilst maintaining optimal alignment.

Just like a baby we start on the ground, work up to our knees and finally on to our feet.

We also need to be stable in all plains of movement (Sagittal, Transverse and Frontal). Stuart Mcgill ( the foremost knowledge on lower back performance) recommends the big 3 the curl up, side hover/bridge and the bird dog. I would definitely recommend these as a great starting point.

Balls like everything have a role to play in exercise, however this isn't core training or functional.

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