Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Force couples

Do you split your body parts into days of the week or bench press every session?
Knowing your force couples will help to bring a bit more balance to your physique, enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. One classic example is tightness in hip flexors, caused from too much sitting on our bums, this often leads to a lack of glute function, this is why old people have no bums!
The tightness of the one group reduces the function of the other, so if we can buy some movement through some flexibility/mobility work, you will gain more function at the opposing group. Stretch hips and then execute an exercise for this group e,g dead lift and you begin to reduce the structural imbalance. The same principle can be applied to other bias body parts.
Also reducing the amount of quad dominant exercise e.g leg extensions and increasing hip dominant movements e.g glute ham raise, pullthroughs etc... will help to improve the imbalance.

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