Sunday, May 31, 2009

Great results

Some big results from last week,

Kathy Bennett lost 4.5kg's in 5 days! on the Reset jump start plan, Great work!

Also Candice took her total fat loss to a fantastic 25.5kg's

Let me know if you have some great results, or if you want some then contact me and we can begin.

Eat well and train hard! 

State Champ!

The state Powerlifting championships were on in mannum on the weekend, my preperation left a little to be desired with an overseas trip and preparing my new facility. The level of competition was up, with competetitors from as far as Melbourne. Now this is the most masculine way (if there is one) to wear a one piece!
Last year I totalled 500kg's and new that would not be nearly enough, I set a goal of 550 minimum and ideally 560. I started with a 180kg squat all good, failed on depth at 190 and nailed 200 on my third attempt a new personal best!. I was on track. Now my bench has gone down in the last 12 months, so I started at 130 all good 140 good a new best in competition, then failed at 145. Still on track, Deadlifts, I nailed 200 then 210 and went for an all time best 220 and got it, I strained every ounce of anything resembling muscle to grind it out, it was killer!
Now this was down to a few things, I had cranked up on the rev 3 energy drink (that gave me a coule of best in training) and positive thinking. I have been taking my Usana supplements and they make the difference, so now when I train properly I am gonna take my total to a new level!

Nationals are on in July so I have 6 weeks to become a beast!
I will post some footage soon

If you want the best nutritionals to enhance performance or improve health visit

Eat well & train hard!

Monday, May 25, 2009

All systems go!

My training facility is up and running. Have had groups and clients learning to move there body as one cohesive unit. No shiny machines ( fancy towel racks!), just good old fashioned, honest training. Using kettlebells, dumbell and various barbells and sandbags. Things are only going to improve, am currently fine tuning the prowler (sled contraption) and modifying my safety squat bar. All set for the state powerlifting championship, on Saturday, I will let you know how I go. Will post a couple of pics of the new training pad soon.
Some great progress from some clients Pauline Shute has dropped a massive 26.5 kg's, a fantastic effort and a shot of adrenaline for those who need to pick up there game!

I can't wait to crank out some serious strength training, if you want to step up to the plate, let me know.
How many people do you know who want to drop body fat, increase strength or reduce pain? Get them to contact me, and take the first steps in self improvement.

Eat well and train hard!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I just added 15kg to my PB!

Today I added 15kg to my deadlift. It was also the first time I used Usanas Rev 3 energy drink. I also hit a 10kg PB on squats! Check it out and add some numbers to the bar, or your performance on the field. I still feel charged, that is why I felt the urgency to let you know.

Eat well and train hard!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Group sessions

I will be running some group sessions starting this Monday the 18th, so let me know if you are interested. We will be learning to use our body as efficiently as we can, to maximise fat loss and strength gains. There will also be nutritional plans as an additional option.
I have recently updated my site so check it out! Let me know what you think.
State powerlifting titles are on at the end of the month, I need to make some significant progress to challenge for honours. I'll keep you posted.

Eat well and train hard!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good to be back

Landed back on Friday morning, good to be back. It is now Sunday and I am starting to fire on all cylinders. 3 weeks have flown by and big things are happening. My training facility is almost complete, just some fine tuning to get done. Now I am back my training is gonna go to a new level, less than 4 weeks to state titles and I'm not where I wanted to be. Time for some serious action. Will keep you posted on progress.