Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dining out

It's inevetable, we are going to go out to eat at some stage, whilst trying to drop weight. Here are a few tips on not blowing out your weekly budget at one buffet:

When ordering dishes ask for the sauce/dressing to be in a jug, so you can add what you need without drowning your food.

If your eating out on a trip and it has to be take out, order the chicken bagguette ( all the fast food joints have them )with no dressing throw out bread. Lean chicken and salad!

Instead of super sizing fries and coke, supersize your veggies and salad!

Order grilled fish without batter or crumbs.

Trade chips for salad or veg.

If you have a large plate of food you will eat it all. Have a standard or entree serve and you will still be satified.

Stick to lean meats and limit condiments.

Eat clean and train hard

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