Monday, November 17, 2008

Have fun!

Too many of us get hung up on our end goal and forget to have some fun. Now we still want to train hard and make progress, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. Fun can be playing a game, competition with training partners, kayaking or climbing. Bottom line is, if it isn't fun we won't keep doing it. Make training more fun by besting a score or taking it outdoors. If an activity is fun or associated with fun, we will do it more often. For some of us the fun is in training itself, this is my case. I haven't always loved it, and I'll change things up before they get stale. Set a goal and go to work, half the fun is the reward of success.
It's also important to take some rest, rest is as important as training. If we train too often without it, we increase our risk of injury, increased cortisol levels(can reduce muscle growth, that's what we train for!) and bring on stress.
Moral of the story all work and no play makes Jack cranky, broken and small! Train hard and smart, rest when your body tells you to and make sure to sleep.

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